Lenny Wlasuk (birth name)
Archaeology buff
Former con artist
Wallingford Manor; has not been on an archaeological dig for some time prior to his death
Married (Phoebe Tyler)
Brooke English (niece)
Verla Grubbs (daughter)
Hillary Wilson (daughter; with Beth)
Beth Wilson
Snatched Myrtle Lum (Fargate's) purse at a carnival
Romanced Phoebe Tyler for her money, then fell in love with her
His real name is Lenny Wlasuk --- con man. He was friends with Eddie Dorrance, who introduced him to Edna Thornton. She mentioned Phoebe Tyler was the richest woman in Pine Valley and Langley set out to get all her money. Langley went to the Boutique to buy a gift for Phoebe and he saw Myrtle Lum Fargate, the owner. He hoped she didn't recognize him. He had stolen her purse at a carnival years before in Kansas. She knew his real identity.
He married Phoebe and they remained happy until Wade Matthews arrived in town and also wanted Phoebe's fortune. Wade succeeded in splitting up Phoebe and Langley. He married Phoebe in the Caribbean.
Wade planned on killing her and taking off with her money and his girlfriend Shelly. Shelly fell down some stairs and Phoebe was blamed and jailed. Langley was the one who stopped Wade and made him confess (dressed as a woman!) at gunpoint at the airport. Langley and Phoebe remarried.
Langley's daughter, Verla Grubbs, returned to Pine Valley in 1995 to get her father's permission to marry the man of her dreams.
In his later years, Langley has been traveling the world on archaeological digs. The death March 3rd, 2001 death of actor Louis Edmonds as not addressed until 2005 upon the death of actress Ruth Warrick (Phoebe). At Phoebe's funeral, it was mentioned that she would once again be reunited with Langley in Heaven.
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